
Owner and Co-Founder of Bacchus PR

What superpower would you grant your 14-year old self?

The foresight to know you will reach an age when you are totally at ease within your own skin, what others think matters less and that being true to yourself is the most important thing.

What one moment in your career defined your future?

Becoming the PR of Momo’s when it opened in 1999, six month after setting up Bacchus. A project which was beyond hip, game changing in the industry, hotter than the Chiltern Firehouse launch. I became the most sought after hospitality PR in London thanks to Mourad Mazouz.


Which people and places are exciting you about the hospitality industry right now?

The projects by The Experimental Cocktail Club team, Henrietta Hotel and Chess Club are superb editions to the London scene. Also excited by Manhattan Loft Gardens, visionary Harry Handelsman who has pioneered new areas of London for two decades will launch his apartment block and hotel in Stratford soon. Love what Tracy Lowey does also with Living Rooms, solutions for short and long stays in London, her hotel The Laslett is the epitome of good taste.

What advice would you give to me-toos?

Always really love the brands they promote and really believe in it. Without passion, you can never really convince others to engage.